Articles & Press 2025
2025 - Tariff Information & Resource Pageby Mike Wiener on
QuickBOLT has launched a Tariff Information Page to keep customers informed about the latest tariff changes. The page includes QuickBOLT’s announcements, official government updates, and guidance on how these tariffs may impact businesses. It serves as a straightforward resource for understanding what the tariffs apply to and staying up to date. Customers can visit the page for the latest information or contact QuickBOLT for further assistance.
QuickBOLT Receives Miami-Dade NOA for Stone Coated Steel Roof Hook, Reinforcing Commitment to Durability and Severe Weather Protectionby Mike Wiener on
The Miami-Dade NOA is a hallmark of quality, indicating that the #17612 Roof Hook meets stringent standards set by the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone requirements.
Articles & Press 2024
- Stainless Steel and Butyl: The Butylful™ Combination for Solar Mountsby Mike Wiener on
Many QuickBOLT mounts combine stainless steel construction, butyl-backed leak protection, and 38 years of fastener expertise to deliver reliable, leak-proof solar mounting solutions. These mounts, like the QB RibRider, Deck Mount, and Split-Top Deck Mount, provide exceptional pull-out strength and durability. Butyl's superior sealing and water resistance make it ideal for solar installations, ensuring long-lasting performance. Each mount benefits from QuickBOLT's decades of fastener knowledge, ensuring best-in-class lags and screws. Whether installing on asphalt, EPDM, TPO, or trapezoidal metal roofs, QuickBOLT has a Butylful™ solution for easy, secure installation.
- Freight Prepaid Minimum Increaseby Mike Wiener on
Freight Prepaid Minimum Increase Effective on all Terms account Orders placed on or after February 1st, 2024
New Freight Prepaid Minimum is $ 2,500 per order. Online Store Orders will have their freight increased proportionally.
Articles & Press 2023
What's New? Welcome to QuickBOLT Websiteby Mike Wiener on
Hello! Welcome to the new QuickBOLT website. We've got a shiny new coat of paint, and we've upgraded what's under the hood too. Most of the features you may be familiar with from the prior website still exist on this new version plus many additional upgrades. The most exciting changes include overall improvements to making the website more mobile-friendly for our visitors.
Articles & Press 2022
Will Installing Solar Void a Roof Warranty? - UPDATEby Mike Wiener on
Shingle roofs are reliable and a roofing classic, but that doesn’t mean they are a flawless solution. Their installation allows for and often requires more roof penetrations compared to other roofing materials like tile or metal roofing. Despite all those nails and staples in the mix, shingles do their part in keeping the surfaces underneath them dry.
- A New Generation with Incoming QuickBOLT President, Jared Wienerby Mike Wiener on
As of September 1st, 2022 QuickBOLT has named Jared Wiener as President. This marks an exciting era for our 35-year-old business and Jared views his new role as a bridge between two generations,
“My focus as President is to build upon the foundation the company has created over the past 35 years while guiding the company towards the future. Of course, this includes greater expansion into the solar mounting and racking industry.
- An Install on Unfied Steel™ Stone Coated Steelby Mike Wiener on
QuickBOLT recently joined Pete Croft, Brand Manager for Unified Steel™ to observe a solar installation on a PINE-CREST Shake Stone Coated Steel roof install done by Western Roofing Systems. There we learned tips and tricks on how to improve efficiency for a solar installation on this type of roof material.
Hello Miami-Dade County NOA!by Mike Wiener on
QuickBOLT’s QB2 with 3” Microflashing® has officially received Miami-Dade County Acceptance meaning easier permitting processes, greater permit approval coverage, and savings on solar installation projects. QB2 received Florida State approval back in January 2021 meeting state requirements and improving the permitting prospects of installers across the state, now Miami-Dade NOA significantly improves the permitting position of QB2.
- Expand Your Services with Solar Installation Solutionsby Mike Wiener on
Roofing contractors have been expanding into solar faster than ever before. Redoing a roof and adding a solar system at the same time is an attractive option to homeowners and allows you to see every step of the project through.
- How Small Packaging Leads to More Businessby Mike Wiener on
Sometimes less is more and small footprint mounting solutions for solar installers means that they can focus on the complicated things in their day-to-day. Mounting solar shouldn't be complicated, and it shouldn't be complicated to get either. That's why we designed the small packaging for our QB2 + Microflashing® kits the way we did, to make solar mounting easier for everyone involved in the process from factory to installation site.
- Stone Coated Steel Roofs - the Hidden Goldrushby Mike Wiener on
Solar installers consider roofing material when deciding which mounts to purchase for each gig, but many pass on job opportunities due to unfamiliarity with certain types of roofs. A prime example of this is Stone Coated Steel roofs.
Stone Coated Steel roofs are known by a few other names such as stamped metal, metal tile, metal shingle, etc. and they are often overlooked as a viable roofing material for solar installations. Why? Well, we asked installers at the recent Intersolar 2022 trade show in Long Beach CA why they haven’t installed on SCS roofs before and the consensus was clear…
Articles & Press 2021
The Ultimate List of Roofsby Mike Wiener on
With so many buildings in the world, there are an endless amount of roof types, in this article we'll cover the most common roofs. We'll cover the most common residential roof styles, then a few commercial styles for good measure. At the end of each section we'll of course recommend the right solar mounting solution for each kind of roof!
- Nothing Seals Like BoltSealby Mike Wiener on
The term “compression” has been thrown around a lot lately in the solar mounting world. It’s a term we’ve been using for a while to describe how our Microflashing® works in tandem with our bolts to seal penetrations and protect from water. There’s a significant difference with QuickBOLT compression which you can’t find with any other mounting systems.
- 1 Year Later – Still Improving our QB2!by Mike Wiener on
QuickBOLT has shown no signs of slowing down during the pandemic, and since the initial QB2 release we have continued to update the product. Today we’re looking back on the development of this solution over the last year.
- COVID-19 and Looking Forwardby Mike Wiener on
As we come to the halfway mark of the year we wanted to share the Q & A from an interview we did with AltEnergy Magazine a few months back. Greg Wiener was asked to reflect on 2020 and the COVID pandemic's effect on the industry at large.
Now, six months later vaccines have reached most of the US, but imports and supply chains worldwide are still struggling to catch up to the demand. He added some more thoughts on the unexpected struggles the industry is facing.
- Letter from the CEOby Mike Wiener on
When the pandemic first arrived in February of 2020 and the government began to force closure of private businesses, we knew something different was amiss. Little did we know the sequence of events to follow over the next 14 months would bring us to our current extremely difficult situation. We have not raised pricing since October of 2019. That option going forward is not in play. Regrettably, price increases are coming. There is no getting around it.
In the past 14 months as an importer, we have faced the following barriers:
- Florida Approval Press Releaseby Mike Wiener on
QuickBOLT’s strongest Top Mount, QB2, has been officially approved by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations. Now that QB2 has been approved, solar installers in Florida can expect an even easier permitting process when submitting designs that include the QB2.
- Ditch the Goop Using BoltSeal®: Mechanical Compression-Sealing Technologyby Mike Wiener on
The solar industry has gone through many generations of technological development, especially in the last decade. The industry is still young, often like the wild west, companies rising and falling as the landscape shifts. Take a step back and you can see the various parts involved in setting up an array –electrical, racking, mounting, the list goes on.
In this article we’ll explore one technology in particular – BoltSeal™ by QuickBOLT—that changed the way solar is installed since its introduction to the market nearly a decade ago.
- Original Top Mount: Wrap Upby Mike Wiener on
Welcome back for the last, but not least of all videos in the Original Top Mount Series. This week we'll wrap up the collection with a summary from Greg, and some introductions on products he didn't have time to fully dive into.
Some new products not covered in the Original Top Mount series include our Direct-to-Deckmount, Conduit Clip, Conduit Mount, Traditionally Flashed products, and Dual Flashed products.
Learn more about it from Greg Wiener himself in the video below.
- Original Top Mount: QB2by Mike Wiener on
Finally, the moment everyone has been waiting for - the QB2 video drop. That's right, we've released our Original Top Mount Series video covering the QB2. Our latest and greatest QuickBOLT to date.
It's stronger, easier to use, and doesn't even need goop to protect the roof. That's right. It passed ASTM testing without chemical sealant.
Learn more about it from Greg Wiener himself in the video below.
- Original Top Mount: Low Profile QB1by Mike Wiener on
Welcome welcome, it's time for another video release announcement! This week we're dropping the third video in the Original Top Mount video Series, featuring the Low Profile QB1.
This video covers the second iteration of the QuickBOLT: Low Profile QB1.
For more info, continue reading.
- Original Top Mount: The QuickBOLTby Mike Wiener on
Howdy y'all, thanks for joining us to check out this week's latest news, another interview with Greg Wiener. This week we've released the second video in a series covering the Original Top Mount product line.
This video is a brief history of the QuickBOLT, the original top mount.
For more info, continue reading.
- Original Top Mount: Series Intro with Greg Wienerby Mike Wiener on
Happy new year everyone and welcome back to the QuickBOLT Blog! This week we've released the first video in a series covering the Original Top Mount product line.
This video is an introduction to the series with a brief overview of videos to come, and the history of the QuickBOLT.
For more info, continue reading.
Articles & Press 2020
- What is Microflashing®?by Mike Wiener on
Now that we've got a handy-dandy blog where we can post articles, I'm going through and expanding on our existing infographics, including the one below about Microflashing®. We have great resources visualizing many of our products and their features, so I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to explore our best sellers.
I already did an article on how we make our tile roof hooks, so now I'll give you the inside scoop on our Microflashing® and its importance in the QuickBOLT top mount process.
View the full infographic below, and the breakdown below that.
- What is Foam Roofing?by Mike Wiener on
We've had a few customers recently tell us about their installations on Foam Roofing. Always being the curious type, and having relatively little experience with the material, I decided it would be fitting to write up an article on it!
Perhaps you've installed solar on this type of roof, or you're interested in expanding. Maybe you're a roofer who just wants to add this type of roofing to your arsenal. Whoever you are, I'll share my research findings below on the foam roofs we've been hearing all about.
- CPUC Rule 21 Update - Interconnectivityby Mike Wiener on
The California Public Utilities Commission recently made updates to its Rule 21 tariff on interconnectivity to the electric grid. There were some minor and major changes that have implications for anyone looking to connect to their solar energy systems to a public utility grid.
Will it affect you? Learn more below!
- Top Mount Solutions - A Love Letter to Our Competitorsby Mike Wiener on
Did you know we released the very first modern Top Mount solution to the solar mounting market nearly a decade ago with our patented QuickBOLT? Since then, we've released variations and improvements to the product itself and pushed the industry forward in accepting Top Mount solutions as viable mounting options...
How Are Tile Roof Hooks Made?by Mike Wiener on
Many of you interact with solar mounting roof hooks on a regular basis, perhaps you're an installer, an engineer, a designer, or maybe even a homeowner curious about the process. Of all the different roof hooks available on the market today for installers to choose from, the Tile Hook is one of the most common.
- How to Save Your Time and Money While Simplifying Solar Installationsby Mike Wiener on
With the COVID Pandemic in full force, more small businesses are shutting down than ever before. That’s why it’s especially important to cut costs where you can for your business and increase your income in the process.
Solar installation involves so many different moving parts - racking, panels, electrical, mounting, the roofing materials, and not to mention the actual costs of running a business! As solar becomes more popular it will only get more complicated, and your job would be a lot easier if it were simpler right?
- Welcome to the QuickBOLT Blogby Mike Wiener on
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first article on the QuickBOLT Blog! As we start this up we'll be exploring the exciting new format and the endless possibilities with our content.
I’m Mikey and I’m the new Content Editor for QuickBOLT. I’ll be the main author and editor contributing to the blog. I’m excited to be able to share my thoughts with y'all and develop this format moving forward.
You may be thinking, “Who is this Mikey character? Why should I trust this blog? And finally, why would I bother reading what they put out?
We’ve got loads of answers below.
Articles & Press 2019
Ask the Energy Experts w/Rick Gentryby EnerG Magazine on
QuickBOLT Passes Water Tests for TPO Roofsby Solar Industry on
SolarRoofHook Becomes QuickBOLTby Solar Industry on
SolarRoofHook is Now QuickBOLTby PV USA Magazine on
SRH rebrands to QuickBOLTby AltEnergyMag on
Articles & Press 2017
What are the Different Types of Residential Solar Flashing?by Solar Power World on
Rick Gentry | Cinnamon Energy Systems Interview 8.14.17by Mike Wiener on
Rick Gentry, our Executive Vice President at QuickBOLT, discusses with Cinnamon Energy Systems, how our roof mounts prevent leaks, the corrosion-proof fasteners used, and key considerations for homeowners and contractors when selecting roof attachment products.
Affordable Mounting Solutions for Residential Roofsby North American Clean Energy on