What is Microflashing®?
Now that we've got a handy-dandy blog where we can post articles, I'm going through and expanding on our existing infographics, including the one below about Microflashing®. We have great resources visualizing many of our products and their features, so I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to explore our best sellers.
I already did an article on how we make our tile roof hooks, so now I'll give you the inside scoop on our Microflashing® and its importance in the QuickBOLT top mount process.
View the full infographic below, and the breakdown below that.
If you're at all familiar with who we are, what we do, and the products we sell then chances are you've heard of our Microflashing®. If you haven't, then pay attention because this next section is for you.
What is Microflashing® Made From?
Microflashing® is a stainless steel compression-washer, backed by EPDM rubber. These are two independent materials that provide excellent structural support on their own, that we then combined. See the picture below for a closeup.
Ah, what a beautiful specimen! So we have a stainless steel compression-washer (painted black), combined with a layer of EPDM backing on the underside of the washer. It's so darn simple and works like a charm.
You may have noticed above the photo that we italicized "compression-washer". Why? Because that's a key feature of the component. The combination of steel and the EPDM backing is significant as well, which we'll go over below, but we couldn't italicize everything as that would be crazy.
How Does Microflashing® Work?
The compression ability of Microflashing® is crucial in sealing the penetration against water intrusion. That's why it's called a compression washer. The circular shape also diverts water around and away from the penetration as well.
So two processes are in effect to protect against the ever-determined elements. When used in combination with our line of top mounting products - the QuickBOLT series - Microflashing® becomes part of the fastest solar mounting kit on the market. Booyah.
So how does it work when on the roof? We'll explain through installation steps:
Installation is easy, and with each new generation of QuickBOLT mounts, using the Microflashing® becomes easier.
Step 1
Apply sealant... or don't. Though we recommend dabbing some on the washer or in the pilot hole, our testing reveals that sealant isn't always necessary for a seal that will stand the test of time.
Applying sealant will add a layer of defense, but our testing proves that Microflashing® doesn't rely solely on sealant for protection. Remember us making a point about it being a compression-washer? That brings us to Step 2 where the magic happens.
Step 2
All you have to do is drive the bolt enough into the rafter to accomplish your compression-seal and your protection against water. The compression is the true factor providing the watertight seal. The washer shape and gravity do the rest of the work in diverting water around and away from the penetration.
Below is a closeup of the QB2 after being driven into the Microflashing®. You can see how it clearly retains its connection with the roof outside of the obviously compressed portion.
We painted the wood black in the above photo, so it may be harder to see than if the wood was unpainted. If you look from the bottom up you can see where the wood changes to shingle, and then the Microflashing®. Fasteners work by gripping wood, and when they meet a surface (like a roof) they pull the surface and what they are driven into together.
So drive a QuickBOLT into a roof joist with the Microflashing® and the roof surface in between then the collar will bring them all together in a loving embrace.
There really isn't much more to it. I could go on to talk about how we introduced Microflashing® to the market in 2010, or how we pioneered the Top Mount movement, or how our competitors are now flipping their scripts on ditching traditional flashing.
Instead, I'll leave you with a short video exploring how roof flashing has evolved over the years since the introduction of our products.
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